petek, 6. marec 2015


The week with Tjaša here passed really quickly. Can't believe how quickly. She landed in Edinburgh Airport at 21:40 on 25th of February. She then texted me and Desmond and I went to pick her up. We found her near the Hilton Hotel, which means she slightly wandered away from the airport. You got to love her when she's like that :) 

I was really excited to see her again after almost two months. But these two months have passed in a heartbeat. I've been here more than 7 months now! At first we talked a little bit in English, introduced her to Desmond and then quickly changed to Slovenian language. Was nice talking in Slovene again. But also a bit weird. She was very tired, had a long day, travelling with GoOpti to Trieste (Trst) Airport and then taking two flights to her final destination. But classical Tjaša, she met someone on the GoOpti bus and kept herself busy with chatting to this person. Who, by coincidence, flew to London Stansted as well and even set just one row in front of her. Which meant they were able to talk during flight as well. 

We took a slightly longer route to our house so Tjaša could see the famous bridges. As soon as she saw Forth Rail Bridge she was all "wow". It is a spectacular bridge. Especially in the night because of the lightning. When we arrived to our house, Sarah was very eager to meet her and was quite hyper. Daniel was, of course, a little bit shy. Pamela went to bed a bit earlier and was sorry she couldn't stay awake longer. But she's been working like crazy for the past few weeks, so Tjaša understood. 

I then "introduced" her to my small room. She liked it. It's quite functional. For one person. For two people it is a bit small. But I've had sleep overs few times before, so I figured it out how to use the space to its best potential. We just had to move some things. We chatted for a while but then soon went to sleep. 

Thursday morning started the same for me as usual. Woke up at 7 o'clock, got Sarah up, then had few minutes free to spend on laptop. Afterwards I drove her to the bus stop, prepared lunch for Daniel and drove Daniel to school. When I came back Tjaša was still in bed. That was at 9 o'clock. And that's very unusual for her as she normally wakes up before 8. But I guess she needed to rest. Plus she wouldn't be able to do much in the morning, because everyone does their own thing and as house isn't really big, she might have been in a way.

After breakfast we headed towards Forth Rail Bridge for a long walk towards Dalmeny House. But first I drove us to Hopetoun House for a quick visit. So she can take few photographs. The photographs below were taken with mum's digital camera. Which is an amazing one and of course takes much nicer pictures than my mobile phone.

Hopetoun House

Black sheep

I wrote my last post on the day of her travel, so she didn't read it nor see the pictures I took from my walk. Which meant she saw the scenery for the first time. And I was happy that she did. Because it impressed her more as she didn't already know what she'll see and where are we going. 

Forth Rail Bridge

This stream looks very similar to a stream we can find in my village


Again Tjaša


The most gorgeous house! (This photograph is much better than the one I took with my mobile phone)

A sea of snowdrops. Really there are tons of them!

We needed a bit over one hour to reach Dalmeny House. The weather was nice, sunny. But very windy. Tjaša got to know how windy Scotland can be on her first whole day here! She didn't like it much :) 

Dalmeny House

The beach near Dalmeny house

On our way back to the car, the dark clouds came. We also came across a young Vizsla dog. We both fell in love with him. Puppies are too adorable. Plus Tjaša was already missing her Šerif. And Vizsla's look similar to him. We went to Tesco to buy few snacks. I got her to buy Maltesers and Hula Hoops (snack not actually hula hoop). We cooked pasta for lunch and added roasted red pepper pesto. Then it was time to pick up Daniel from school. He played video games on his Xbox, while Tjaša and I spent our free time watching The wizard of Oz from 1939. Later on Pamela came home and I introduced sister to her. She said she was sorry she couldn't stay awake longer previous night. Then we chatted a bit about what we did today and a bit about her work. Desmond had a guest over and they were watching football - Celtic vs. Inter. Desmond cooked dinner for us. He made spaghetti with bolognese sauce and when we were done, we all watched the end of the match. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but Desmond is a huge Celtic fan. And they lost. After the match we headed to my room and watched the latest Bond movie - Skyfall. She hasn't seen it yet. We tried to watch whole movie, but we decided we want to sleep more than see the rest of the movie. So she now needs to watch last 30 min of the movie back home. I watched this movie for the 5th time I think :) 

I'll stop here with this post. I should tell you now that I'll write few parts. Or otherwise you'll be reading too long posts. So next post will be about our weekend in Glasgow. 

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