sreda, 25. marec 2015


I'll just go straight to my next top five.

Top 5 cars:
  • Range Rover Sport: I guess everyone by now knows I love Range Rovers. Or how I call them - Rangies. I set my eyes on this car for the first time 10 years ago. The new, more modern look of the car came out in 2003 but you couldn't see many Rangies in Slovenia for couple years. Plus I was 13 years old at that time. So I bit too young to care about cars. I "blame" my love for cars on my first boyfriend who was a huge patrol head. And he put his enthusiasm on cars on me. But anyhow. Over the years many people mocked me how I can love this car. It's boxy, it's very expensive, it practically eats patrol (fuel consumption is very high). But that didn't matter to me. It looks amazing, it's big and I like boxy look in a car. It's also a proper SUV car. Mark my words when I say this. One day I'll own one! :)
  • BMW 7 series: Yes, I like expensive, luxury cars. I don't know why, but I just do. I love how the back looks, how the front radiator looks. I like that it's very long and just looks very powerful. It looks magnificent!
  • Jaguar XF: I really like sports saloon cars. I always liked saloon cars and not small cars, or people carrier cars or hatchbacks. Saloon cars are for me. And Jaguar XF just looks so hot. Especially in red.
  • BMW 6 series Gran Coupe: I haven't seen this car on the streets yet, but I saw it for the first time on Top Gear. And it looks amazing. I never was a huge fan of BMW 6 series. It's a bit too sporty for my taste and I don't like only 3 door version. This one, however, is a 5 door version. I liked it immediately after seeing it. 
  • Audi A5 Sportback: Another sports saloon car. This car is the cheapest one out of my top five. But even so it still costs over £23,000. So not a cheap car at all. 

Top 5 TV shows:
  • Top Gear: Without a doubt the best TV show. Every time I watch it, I laugh so hard. Top Gear is definitely the best entertaining show ever made. I like Friends a lot, or Modern Family. But they will never make me laugh so hard that my belly will hurt. And they always lift my spirits up. I've seen all the episodes more than dozen times and they still can make me laugh. They are that good. And you don't even have to be a car enthusiast. Okay, it's about cars, but what makes it so funny are the presenters. They are hilarious. 
  • Suits: A really good legal drama with men in suits. Couldn't ask for more. Plus the main character Harvey Specter is drop dead gorgeous :)
  • House of cards: I started watching this show few weeks ago and it hooked me immediately. You have to love Kevin Spacey. He's amazing. And his wife in the show. Robin Wright. Both are really good actors. I will always remember Spacey from one of the most scariest movies for me - Se7en. He's amazing at playing villains it seems. Same as like Javier Bardem. No matter what they play, they are the best at playing the bad guys. I would recommend everyone to watch this show. Even if you don't like American politics much.
  • Once upon a time: Most of the characters in the show are pretty good. Especially Captain Hook and Rumpelstiltskin. I just really like the concept of this show. All possible fairy tales incorporated in one show. 
  • Downton Abbey:  I love British aristocratic culture in the beginning of 20th century. If I could go back in time, I would definitely go in that time. Or the same time, but in America, during Prohibition era/mafia time. 

Top 5 video games:
  • GTA 4: GTA video games are my favourite ones. I never played many games, but everytime new GTA game comes out I'll definitely play it. The recent one, 5, is a very good game. Lots of things to do, nice story, nice missions etc. But I like the 4th one the most. The story was really good and the ending of the story changed depending on your choice. The same as in GTA 5. I can't wait for the new GTA game to come out!
  • Mafia 1: Awesome story, awesome cars, awesome music. Because of this game I fell in love with Django Reinhardt's music. 
  • Sims 2: I like how I could be creative at designing interior of the house and also house itself. I spent many hours deciding what sofa I want in my artificial living room. Was fun playing this game.
  • Jazz Jackrabbit 2: I don't know how many of you remember this video game. It's quite old. It was released in 1998. And it is 2D. So yes, quite old. Sister and I argued a lot about who will play this game and who will have to wait. Nice memories! :)
  • Hugo: Another video game from my childhood time. And this game was even on telly! You could call on the program and play it. Don't remember the specifics. Sometimes I wish I could still play this game.

Top 5 meals/food:
  • Dunajski zrezek or Wiener Schnitzel: My favourite meal for years now. I always add lemon juice on and it's just yummy. I prepared this to Sarah and Daniel few times and they both loved it. Sarah often asks me when I will make this again :)
  • Liver in cream sauce: I don't eat this very often, but when I do, it feels like my mouth is in heaven. My mum will cook this for lunch this weekend when I'm in Slovenia. Can't wait!
  • Mashed potatoes: My favourite way to prepare potatoes. Last week I cooked it for lunch without anything else. Just potatoes :)
  • Sweet cabbage: Cabbage is one of my favourite vegetables. I like it in any way. But this one is my favourite. Again I don't eat it often, my family (in SLO) doesn't like it that much. But maybe that's why I like it so much. Because I don't eat it often.
  • Turkey balls with mozzarella: Mum will cook it this weekend as well! 

Top 5 future destinations:
  • Istanbul: I want to go to this city for years now. As far as I can see from the pictures, it looks amazing. The hills, the sea, the mosques etc. Sister and I have agreed that we will go there together, hopefully sooner than later.
  • Japan: Ever since I saw The last samurai film, I have wanted to go there. I really like Japanese culture, their buildings, Buda temples. Not to mention all the mountains and volcanos that they have. But going to Japan will cost me a lot. So it's going to be a while before I can travel there.
  • Vietnam: Beautiful country, lots of things to see, the expenses aren't really high. As far as I could see on various shows, people are very nice. So I'm definitely going there soon.
  • Seattle: I am not one of those people who want to go to USA. I'm just not that interested in this huge country. However, I do want to see Seattle. I am actually thinking of doing a road trip sometime in the future. Start in Chicago, then go to Toronto and through central Canada (I would like to see Canada), then end my trip in Seattle. I like cities that are near the sea and hills/mountains. I like that you have to use a ferry to go around Seattle. That will be fun to use.
  • New Zealand: A country that is supposed to be similar to Slovenia. I could see lots of scenery in LOTR films and it looks spectacular. But again, going there will be very expensive. So hopefully I'll be able to go to New Zealand sometime in the future.
Now if I go on more personal things.

Top 5 things I cannot go/be without:
  • Water bottle: I drink a lot of water. Like a lot. On average I drink around 3 litres per day. So every time I go out, I have to have water bottle in my handbag. It's a must!
  • Earphones: I'm more or less addicted to earphones. They are my life saver in a way. I use them when I'm on the bus, when I go for my long walks, when flying somewhere. Can't imagine living without music and therefore earphones. 
  • Book: As I mentioned in my previous post, I recently became a book worm. So every time I go to Edinburgh, I also take a book with me. I hardly ever read while on the move. But I sometimes have to wait for my friends or my bus back home, so the book is a nice distraction. 
  • Mobile phone: Another thing I got pretty much addicted. And why? Because of music. I am fine without it, I don't have to constantly talk to friends on whatsapp or other messenger, I don't play many games on my phone. But I need it to listen to my music. I don't have an ipod. So yeah, I need my phone.
  • High heel shoes: I am a sucker for high heels. Funny thing is, I don't even wear them that often. But I have to have them. If I had the money, I would have a lot more pairs than I do now.

Top 5 things I do when stressed:
  • Driving: Driving relaxes me. I love to drive so much and I'm really happy that I get to drive while I'm here. I don't go driving often when I'm stressed though. Actually it depends on how stressed out I am. If a lot, then I'll go. If stressed but not a lot, I'll do other things. 
  • Listening to movie soundtracks and/or classical music: Another thing that relaxes me. Most of movie soundtracks and classical music that I listen to are very peaceful and calm. So a really nice getaway.
  • Reading: Yes, reading books relaxes me as well. It helps me escape the problems that I have in the real world. Books have a wonderful way of taking the reader into imaginary world.
  • Complain to sister and/or friends: I guess everyone does that. I talk about the anger or anxiety or whatever feelings I have at that time to them. But problem is, it doesn't really relax me. OK, it's good that I let everything that troubles me out, and sister/friends can help me see things differently or try to help me. But I still have to relax myself. 
  • Try to shut down from everyone: The best is to go into my room and do all the above things. 

Top 5 desires:
  • Find a nice job and start a successful career: I graduated from media and communication studies last September. Now I need to do something with this degree. I'm leaving Scottish family in the end of June. Hopefully my future job will make me happy and that I'll surrounded with nice people at work. 
  • Find a nice boyfriend and create a family: I think most of the girls want that. So I'll leave it at that.
  • Drive Rangie: Yes, I really want to drive one. Like really want to. And I don't know anyone who owns it. So didn't have a chance yet. But hopefully some time in near future I will.
  • Go on Hans Zimmer concert: Not much to say here. He does have concerts from time to time, so hopefully I'll be able to go. At least while I'm in UK. 
  • Be happy with whatever I decide for my future: I am on a crossroad. I have made some tough decisions and I will have even more tough decisions soon. So however I decide, I just hope I'll be happy with the decision. Even if that means I might hurt someone. But I got to live my life, right?

Top 3 things/decisions I don't regret doing:
  • Moving to Scotland: I was very scared when I decided to do au pair after my graduation. It was a bold move. Probably not something that would be common to me. I often play(ed) on the safe side. But two years ago, when I was repeating my 3rd year in university and when I struggled getting a student's job, I knew I will struggle even more with finding a job once I graduate. So I took matters in my hands and decided to do something with my life. I would be miserable at home. I wasn't particularly happy that year. While here I got to know myself better, I'm earning money, I met few wonderful friends, saw lots of new places etc. Moving to Scotland is definitely one of my best decisions I ever made.
  • Learning how to play on piano: Thanks mum for that. Thanks for making me do it. I enjoyed learning piano for 5 years and struggled the last. And even though I don't play piano that often right now, I know I will play soon again. Learning how to play on piano has introduced me to classical music, which I adore. I know how to read musical notes, which makes learning new songs much easier. Plus I can see how good it is for the brain to play the piano. My granddad is going to be 88 years old next month and because he plays on piano every single day, his mental health is amazing for his age. I really should sit behind piano soon.
  • Go on Mens Sonora audition: I never was really confident at singing solo. Always very nervous of what will other people think. But I always liked professional choirs. Probably because of my high school. I was very nervous when I attended the audition. But I got through and was accepted to the choir and I had so much fun in two years. I learned how to properly sing and let me tell you ... the conductor was very hard on me. I had to sing solo so many times. And thank God she was so tough with me. Even though I'm not in a professional choir at the moment, I'm 100% sure I'll join one very soon.

I'm struggling with finding another 2 things, so I'll end with 3. I hope you had fun reading this post. Next one will have the usual topic. A quick update of what I did in March. 

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